tonight, you wonder how many tru americans even know it s good friday. so after hundreds of years, s this has finally become a nonry christian country. but it s not a secular country. i m sure people call call it tht they are wrong. there are no secular countries .gion every country has a religionrs because every personon has has a religion. f it s even if it s atheist. everybody worships somethingthen born that way, we can t get away from it. so what does america s religio n now? well, as it happens, we haven video. thisnow? is from st. mark s lutheran church in fargo, norths dakota. it was taken is from april 2nd.r that was the first sunday after kill the mass killing in nashville te in which three adults and three children were murdered at a christia n school for being christians in the old america. tian. christian pastors would have preached about this. they would have acknowledged. the evil on display and they would have prayed for those who d been killed, a forled.m oo
so your your you ve become famous, of course, as a as a deer hunter. did you ever think you d become an iguana hunter? an ihey, you know, you just take things one day at a time. but first off, i just want to tell you, tucker, i m a huga fan of yours. i think you re one of thosealite cool personalities on tv thas ta really tells it like it is and comes from a central point of you. e n and i really appreciate that. i try to do the same thing in the outdoors. deer meat for dinner is not mea about deer hunting. about ust that outdoor lifestyle channel. and we try to show the truthl about the outdoors. i absolutely love the outdoorse whether i m hunting or fishing or trying to manage iguanas. it s no different. the i try to tell the truth and i try to tell it from a central point of view.iew. i m not over on one side or the other. t liketry itotell i is like my boy tucker. tucker carlson, whileboy, you re on nature s side, and i am as well. so just let s get technicalsn just for a sec