stuffed animals that you put a show on for because you re looking for applause or you re looking for a talk show or looking for attention. children pretend. at this point, for 2016, after six years and then eight years of what we have ex-beer yepped, we bleed adults. we need adults who can unify this country, who respect just about, you know, maybe getting a book deal or getting a show. don t waste our time. we don t need a carnival of barkers. we need an inspirational figure. wait a second, are you attacking done bad this trump on this show? yes. no. i like no because i i love the donald, but, you know i i need to believe that that s somebody who is talking about running is taking it seriously. he would seem to me you know, to be the quintessential guy who is doing it for all the reasons. he says i m serious. there s more than him. not saying that about carly fee orrein what? i don t know. yes, maybe. really? i think she is serious about it. she is serious about
lost a little weight, you exercising, skipping carbs? whatever you are doing, keep it up. okay. sharesies. that got me thinking, would i want to be the last man on earth? what about my co-hosts, be the last person in the world? bring it around. a, not saying this last man, kind of sexist. if i were the last man;4h@kn earth you know what i would do? i would start a show on gnc called thecall d called on gnc krchltc fnc called ded the one. that s not this? the last man on earth? no. person. if you were the last person on earth means something very catastrophic and horrible happened. i don t want to be there. i don t want to be the last person. what would do you? where would you go? he went to tucson. you would go to dell friscos.
why can t a woman be serious about being president? she can be. i can t believe you are attacking women on this show. what s wrong with you, juan? i would attack you, peter would be after me. that s first. look at the numbers. think so? my gosh, i have to worry. you look at the numbers she is just not there in the top tier right now. ask you about chris christie, over the past couple of weeks, there s been some articles, one in the new york times in particular that said some of his initial round of support and some of the money behind chris christie had sort of been sort of backing away. but this is his chance at c backe to try to regain some momentum. what do you think? he hasn t had a very good time at cpac. wasn t invited a couple years ago. he came back and recently a couple weeks ago with the old with the whole the shots, the inblock lations. vaccines. vaccine issues, i don t know what he is doing, try to regain his footing, bridge gate, the vaccine iss
in the delivery room with the contracts ready. inbegan try. the jump on t. the jump. also, great coach, he has got skills. this is what s happening. probably gonna play professional basketball unless a great baseball player, too, football, wouldn t be sur bryced. a lot of athletes whose sons grow up to be fantastic athletes. i don t have a problem with this too much. the problem is the money. all about money. not about they are just recruiting for a school. yeah. what do you think you don t think college coaches no, no i get you. they want lebron s kid at their high school, college. finally, saw a trend for a cool new fox show called about a guy somehow ends up being the last man earth. watch. you want a whisky, gary? whisky? you sure? how about you jimmy? no? okay, does anyone want a whisky? huh? greg? kevin? anton? no? really? nobody. okay. well, more for me. jerry, now you look like you
to low it. how do we know about this story? the mainstream media brought it to us. wall street journal gold by the washington post, the latest revelation. correct. the print media. tv was like, okay, we have covered it. cbs this morning gave it 32 seconds and not on abc, good morning, america or today show. i think everybody is waiting for the quid pro quo. the minute you can say she did x or gave a meeting to somebody while she was secretary of state because oflsa this. but i don t think that you re right, eric. i don t think that they are mixing money in her political campaign. the same shell and hired the same people from the foundation to come to her candidacy. different than mixing the money. commingling funds. splitting hairs. veryll?/m interesting if someone, wall street journal , work in times, go find out if there s any elizabeth warren. jump the wall, chain knows what wall up. conservative fantasies here. next with up on began tasse