hopefully that bank will say come back. do your home work. still ahead the time of year kids loathe and moms love. back to school. up next, the cool gizmos and gadgets that make the transition from the beach off to the classroom a whole lot easier for everyone. you re watching world news now. announcer: world news now continues after this from our abc stations.
all right. that s the love game. yeah. i guess we re going to be playing a bit of a love game today. and i guess tantaros is in the middle. that would be lady gaga. i don t know who is going to play the role of lady gaga. maybe karl rove. he has dance moves. he has his meat suit. he ll be with us in a minute to talk about what s going on in washington and then john stossel, andrea tantaros, juan williams and live from the consumer electronics thing and we told you yesterday about, among other things, that cool new app that you can use your iphone as an ekg, if you have to take your blood pressure or chart your heart measurements from time to time, you can do it with your phone for about $100. we have all sorts of cool gizmos that can change your life coming up at this hour. in the meantime, start with the fox news alert. there are reports that an american woman is being held on