People across the capital and across the United Kingdom observed a minutes silence to remember those that died here at London Bridge on Saturday Night. Sadiq khan is there with members of the London Ambulance service. Police officers here still at the cord and, still in place at London Bridge, were among those who stood as a mark of respect to all those killed and injured this weekend. You see the number of flowers left, people paying their own small tribute. The sea of flowers has grown since Saturday Night, and people just flowers has grown since Saturday Night, and peoplejust wanting to remember those who died, and some of those who were so very badly injured as well. And this, the third Terrorist Attack in the United Kingdom in three months. The police and Emergency Services were among those who showed such remarkable courage. You are probably familiar now with the story of the off duty Police Officer, who rushed towards one of the attackers, the officer was armed only with a batte
on today in stage three. i have talked enough about the weather so i will hand to someone more qualified. we are all talking about the weather too much. ifeel guilty. a lot of the news at the moment is about the weather. but the expert is in the room. here s carol. i was thinking i could have had a lion! 0nce i was thinking i could have had a lion! once again sunshine and showers. beautiful start to the day in wales. many looking at blue skies first thing but showers are in the forecast. a mixture of sunshine and showers and the heaviest in south east scotland and north east england. to start, a lot of dry weather with a keen north westerly breeze accent are you waiting the cool field. this weather front
of the showers to the north but some will push further south as we go into the afternoon, and it looks as if those temperatures will peak between 9 11; celsius. now the showers will tend to fade away as we move through the night, and we will have some clear skies, perhaps a few frequent showers continuing into the far north of scotland. but where skies clear away, temperatures will fall away and we could see low single figures to greet us first thing on tuesday morning, and that gives us the potential for some frost to form, and maybe some patchy fog. so first thing on tuesday morning, it ll be a bit of a chilly start, lots of sunshine, some showers around, most frequent ones along the exposed north coasts of scotland and northern ireland, and some running down through the irish sea. temperatures are likely to struggle, though top temperatures of 11 12 celsius. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, still the risk of some showers, but as the high desperately tries to squeeze
Alexandra Dragnea, apariție rară împreună cu iubitul său. Cum a fost surprinsă fiica lui Liviu Dragnea
Alexandra Dragnea și iubitul ei, Alex Mațaev, au fost surprinși de paparazzi în timp ce mergeau spre o clinică stomatologică din București. În timp ce iubitul ei parca mașină la umbră, fiica lui Liviu Dragnea a dat fuga în cabinetul medical.
După ce Alexandra Dragnea a ieșit de la stomatolog, aceasta i-a făcut semn iubitului ei că poate intra și el. Alexandra Dragnea și-a așteptat liniștită iubitul, la umbră, butonând telefonul.