Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Cliff Przybyl, right, co-owner of Cool Canine Natural Dog Treats, presented a check for $500 to Patty Ellison, left, president of Shell Knob In The Spotlight (SKITS). SKITS, a non-profit community theater group which has been bringing arts and entertainment to the area since 2013, plans to use the money to fill in the gap from the 2020 season shutdown and to pay for COVID protocols for the 2021 season. Przybyl and his wife Kim are actively involved in SKITS and have supported community theater through Cool Canine for many years. Contributed photo
Cliff Przybyl, right, co-owner of Cool Canine Natural Dog Treats, presented a check for $500 to Patty Ellison, left, president of Shell Knob In The Spotlight (SKITS).
looking for a cool canine who also knew how to catch a wave. the top dogs at the audition will ride a board, aboard a wave you like that one? a wave-simulated float filled with 7,000 gallons of water during the january 2nd parade. and finally, meet bob, the divine dog. whose poolside stunt had rocketed him to stardom. he became a celebrity after his owner posted a video of him retrieving a toy on youtube. he should win the parade. the former stray used a unique spiral motion to make his eight-foot descent to the pool floor. it is an amazing feat, made quite a splash. and now all of you can enjoy it there at home. now for a look at the national weather, do we even need to introduce him. he already introduced himself to the show. he just can t keep quiet, can he? put a muzzle on him. give me a bark collar, if you want. we ve tried that, it doesn t