in his hair. it wasn t like us who super awesome harley with a revving engine and a random women who pops in the back with a coffee mug and is like i am for this guy all the way. he was a regular guy with a regular bike with a regular american problems and that s why he kicked his ass because that s what they wanted. and you don t need a cool bike. you just need a celebrity there. we need to fix it, this is wrong, and this is who i am, and it was good enough. greg: bridget, do we need more people like that? yeah, i think so. his victory speech wasn t just him pulling the horn and a semi. i like him. he s like the aoc of new jersey. talked about walking around a lot. i think he missed an opportunity to post pictures of his sneakers on social media. but it says a lot that his talking points are better than
there goes eric. we just push off. all right. go get them, dooce. that s a cool bike. how do you stop it? it has brakes like a bicycle. what i like about this is it s a little lower impact, right? whoo! thank you. you must be the people from ellipitgo, right? very nice. thank you. that s great. if you d like more information about how you can help this guy raise money for the fund, go to our web site at a little later on today. gretch, back inside to you. all right, guys. looking good out there. well, regulations are supposed to make our lived period of time, right? well, regulations about the number of building blocks allowed at a daycare? you have to hear this one coming up next. and school s out but your kids are still going to be watched over the summertime?