People become homeless for various reasons, but regardless of the motive, the need to survive is real. This homeless teenager decided to open a TikTok account and show how he cooks his meals and on how little a person can survive when in need. Calling himself
@randomhomelessguy2, he now has nearly 580k followers for having only 3 videos.
His first TikTok was viewed more than 18.5m times. You can check out the cost-efficient meals he prepares using only a few things below and share your thoughts in the comments.
This homeless teenager shared a video that went viral overnight of how he cooks meals in a park
People become homeless for various reasons, but regardless of the motive, the need to survive is real. This homeless teenager decided to open a TikTok account and show how he cooks his meals and on how little a person can survive when in need. Calling himself
@randomhomelessguy2, he now has nearly 580k followers for having only 3 videos.
His first TikTok was viewed more than 18.5m times. You can check out the cost-efficient meals he prepares using only a few things below and share your thoughts in the comments.
This homeless teenager shared a video that went viral overnight of how he cooks meals in a park