Aired on Tuesday, January 19th.
(Note: This interview first aired last fall.) Our guest is Harold McGee, who writes about the science of food and cooking. He joins us to discuss his new book, Nose Dive: A Field Guide to the World s Smells. As was noted of this work by Booklist: In his detailed survey of scents, food writer and cooking scientist McGee elegantly explains olfaction.. His exploration of our smelly world includes the odors of flora and fauna, soil and smoke, food and fragrances, but also the unexpected: primordial earth, rain, and the whiff of old books. Pungent and even rancid smells skunk spray, ammonia, manure are as respected as such delectable aromas as lemon, coffee, and rosemary. Odiferous facts abound.. A delightful outing across the olfactory world.
Aired on Monday, January 18th.
On this edition of ST Medical Monday, we re looking at the connections between diet, weight control, and health. Our guest is Gary Taubes, the investigative science and health journalist who co-founded the non-profit Nutrition Science Initiative, and whose bestselling previous books include Why We Get Fat and The Case Against Sugar. He joins us to discuss his latest book, The Case for Keto. As was noted by this work by Lewis Cantley, director of the Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York Presbyterian Hospital: Taubes vigorously challenges the conventional view that low-fat, plant-based diets are healthy and that eating fats is risky, providing an historical context of the effectiveness of keto diets that goes back more than 150 years.
Our guest is Dr. Michael Roizen, the bestselling author and Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic. He's also the co-author of "The What to Eat