Peppermint ice cream recipe with 5 simple ingredients
Joyful and sweet, peppermint ice cream can be turned into sundaes, cakes and shakes.
Peppermint Ice Cream(Rebecca White)
Winter festivities are in full swing, but due to this year’s limitations, you might be searching for a few additional at-home activities that can bring an ample amount of cheer.
Homemade Peppermint Ice Cream opens the door to delicious, holiday fun. This simple 5-ingredient recipe is quick to assemble and easy to clean up.
Keeping Peppermint Ice Cream in the freezer this season will bring joy to your sweet tooth in a variety of ways. From basic scoops to a layered labor of love (like the Peppermint Chocolate Ice Cream Cake), this flavorful frozen concoction is your ticket to homemade merriment.