tag-alongs, to the eagle s nest convenience store on campus and told them sold them whoever asked for some. they handed her a termination letter claiming she conducted gross misconduct and booted her out after 28 years of service with no warning. it s crazy because i can t profit from selling girl scout cookies it s a volunteer thing for the girl scouts. i m a cookie mom and i m just trying to help my daughter earn her badges and her trips and stuff like that. megyn: and mark eiglarsh, a former prosecutor and now defense attorney. and tom is a former prosecutor and now defense attorney as well. pretty harsh, mark. yeah, yes, you want my response. megyn: no warnings, 28
personal cash business. mother says she has been doing it for years and doesn t even profit from it. they didn t give me any warning. it is crazy because i can t profit from selling girl scout cookies. it is volunteer thing for the girl scouts. i m a cookie mom. i m trying to help my daughter earn her badges and trips. i had the girl scout cookies on a cart, if so happened someone asks would they like to buy them, i sell them but, i don t ask them to buy the cookies. she does it out of the goodness of her heart. i don t think that someone should be terminated for selling girl scout cookies and doing a charity thing. bill: she has been told to cut it out by her job. now, you had a whole voting bloc a couple cycles ago called soccer moms. now these are cookie moms. i m a big fan. martha: i m a fan of thin mints. bill: put the thin mints in the freezer. like so good six months later. that is absolutely true. as a former girl scout when
company accuseds of lewis of operating a personal cash business, which violates company policy. the troop leader is afraid it will scare off other cookie moms. what do you think? should the cookie mom be fired or should her employer lighten up? go to gretawire.com and tell us. we are back in two. us. thank you orville and wilbur. .amelia. neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can t create the future. by clinging to the past.
deli. they sell items, food items, so you have people looking in the kind of window and hmm, three day old pound cake or my goodness, peanut butter cookies. interfering with the sales. megyn: is it her fault to compete. if she sold these in private that d be othing, but you can t do it openly, clearly against policy, she doesn t have a the thing, tom, the girl scouts, council of the nation s capital says they re a girl-led entrepreneurial program and we want the girls to take the lead. and they don t seem to be backing this cookie mom. that s a separate argument. i agree with that aspect of it, the whole idea behind the fundraisers is the kids go out. megyn: and jennifer who sold the 17,000 boxes had no help from anyone? (laughter) one point here, there s something called a warning. i warn my employees if they re messing up, i don t want to trash my employees, but there s a warning process. the woman has been there for