Who grew up thinking of themselves as half caste, quarter caste or part this part that but never the total sum of all of who we are, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Nothing brings us together or tears us apart like our connection to land, especially when that land is divided, shared, allotted, or occupied by different members of our family, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Cook Islands is reforming its land laws and will hold public meetings in New Zealand, Australia, and Cook Islands to gather input from both residents and overseas Cook Islanders.
Cook Islands is reforming its land laws and will hold public meetings in New Zealand, Australia, and Cook Islands to gather input from both residents and overseas Cook Islanders.
Koutu Nui, a group of sub chiefs, has presented its submission to the Parliamentary Select Committee considering two amendments to the Cook Islands Act 1915, proposed by Opposition Leader Tina Browne.