alabama when they are asked who they want to support, probably do not want to say roy moore. i have said i have a big problem with roy moore. the combination of the explosive rhetoric out of him years ago and then today when you add this to some of the credible allegations of inappropriate behavior. when he gets to the senate, if he does it s going to be a huge distraction. no one is going to want to sit next to them at the senate to lunchroom credit will be very awkward and he will be hounded. so the timing of this, the al franken stuff helped him, the conyers stuff helped him. a little bit of help from gloria alred, that fiasco with the yearbook. but i think that he really caved this last weekend, did not do a lot of events. dana: he has not done a public event in a week, but having a rally tonight. juan, what do you think will happen on the democratic side? juan: on the democratic side, they are pretty much waiting period in terms of a level, this is a red state.