College campuses. I will yield so he can say a word about the tragedy that occurred in texas. I thank you, mr. Chairman. Welcome. Let me just say briefly that before discussing the important topic of todays hearing on sunday a gunman shot and killed 26 church goers in texas. We now know that information concerning his courtmartial for Domestic Abuse should have been submitted by the air force to the instant criminal background check system. Should have been prevented from purchasing firearms from licensed gun dealers via the brady background check system. Yesterday before this information came to light, i wrote to you, mr. Chairman, requesting that the briefing planned for our members tomorrow afternoon by atf on the issue of bump stocks. Be expanded through the fbi to discuss the background check issues. Related to southern springs. And in that briefing be conducted as a formal hearing open to the public. Now tat we have even more information that theres been a break down in the imple