it s embarrassing for the american democracy and they should rethink citizens united and get rid of it real fast, number one. number two, though, i think what was said was absolutely correct. there are swings in a campaign, even a short campaign like this. the gingrich campaign has come out with a ton of negatives on mitt romney. they take hold. mitt romney is going to answer. there s going to be an ebb and flow, alex, between now and saturday. but there s no question that what the most effective part here i don t think bain capital with republican voters, even though two of the places that were closed down were in south carolina, i think that hurts a little bit, but what really hurts is, for the first time with aloft money behind it, the flip-flopping on social issues, abortion, gay marriage, thing s like that, those are being exposed to a convict sev tiff voter base. that was bound to happen in a republican primary. i m surprised it didn t happen earlier and it is go being sto have