Potential pay cut relief that addresses some physician and therapist concerns is tucked into a 4,000-page proposed 2023 spending bill announced Monday by members of Congress.
The authors regret to have noted an error that could affect the interpretation of data presented our article "Title: Quantitative skin exposure assessment of metals: A case study". It is evident that the unit of measurement for Eqs. (3), (4), (6), (7) and (8) stated as μγ/100 cm2 should read μg/100 cm2. This error likely occurred during the formatting of the manuscript and was not identified prior to publication. In addition, Conversion Factor 1 (CF1) (Section 3.2, p.137) was stated incorrectly and should read 10 instead of 100. That is, “CF1 = conversion factor 1 (mg/cm2 to μg/100 cm2) (10)”. Amended limits for Table 6 based on this correction are presented below. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
This week began three-week congressional work period with 12 voting days before August recess, 120 days election. Thursday Senator Joe Manchin threw wrench into negotiations with Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, noting he could not support tax increases, climate provisions.
The Federal Register published the Calendar Year 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule on November 19, 2021. The MPFS final rule establishes payment and relative value unit assignments for services provided by physicians and other Medicare suppliers.