god for them every day. they put their lives at risk and finally, charles barkley has just as much credibility, if not more, to talk about this issue, than somebody like reverend al sharpton. he always wins at the end of the day and the black people are left to pick up the pieces. l.z. and i have common ground and a lot of topics and disagree on some things, i think there s an ugly part of the black community that nobody wants to talk about, and i hope maybe the president s task force can get to that, but i m not confident it will. reverend al sharpton shouldn t be anywhere near a task force. i have to agree with that. if i could quickly add, you know, there s this conversation of black on black crime and if you look at the fbi statistics, what you also find is that 80% of white people who suffer crimes suffer from white people. so there s not black on black crime that s this unique unicorn. crime happens where people are