even in 2017, women are the ones who give birth to babies and they often take the lead in raising them. doing that, though, takes focus away from a conventional careerg so, many women quit or take flexible but lower paying jobs. there s nothing wrong with any of that. some people still believe that raising decent kids is more important than working at a law firm and is their right to think that.ra of course, it would have been nice for the times to showaw this kind of honesty during the eight years of president obama s terms when demands to eliminateo the sexism based pay gap were never ending.de the paper still seems to see women s lack of enthusiasm for global capitalism as a moral crisis, something that we need to fix immediately. in the same article, they admit the gap is simply caused by different choices, freely made. the article says the long-term price of women giving up economic productivity to have families and plots ways to reverse it, because nothing more is more importa