mark zuckerberg faces questions from congress about a facebook data ended up with the political campaign. chief operating officer joining the damage control. what we were not focused enough on was protecting. that same data you enable to use in social experiences can also be misused. mark zuckerberg will be testifying before congress. what is facebook s message to congress, and do you think mark needs to apologize in that very public setting? mark has apologized, and i know he s prepared to apologize in any situation where we have responsibility. it turns out congressman trey gowdy is not a big fan of where he works. the republican is retiring this year. you might remember he got a lot of scorn for his leadership on
benghazi a few years back. in an interview, the former prosecutor said he quickly soured on serving in congress. part of what i don t like about the modern political culture is 99 is a failing grade. it doesn t matter whether i liked you yesterday. the first time you do something or take a position i don t agree with, you re going to go from me liking you to being a sellout, a rhino and a squish and never should have liked me in the first place. what do you make of the republican party in 2016? the goal is to win. that s all the republican party is focused on? the goal is to win. they re always interesting on the way out when they feel liberated to speak. number one, should he have known this was a partisan place? it s been a partisan place for a while. and in the end, it s not about policy, it s about winning. anything surprising there?
president simply makes it a ripe issue for him to be deposed. depositions would discover everything they would have to do they would be publicly out there in a trial, though there s been some dispute about what the state of california laws actually say about those particulars that i m not well aversed in. depending who says what, it kind of changes the play of stormy daniels and her lawyer. so the president has said, i don t know anything about this, pass it over to cohen, and this is the reality they re dealing with. but they ve been on television nonstop. there s been contingency legal arguments put out there depending on what the president says. if the president said, i know nothing about this, there could be defamation. this is what we had from the president yesterday and this is one step forward legally. congress will control other republicans.
ing who controls congress and the nation s statehouses. these contests have real and lasting impacts that are felt long past election day. just think about local everies to scale back women s rights or to suppress the right to vote. these races matter. and believe it or not, they are already under way and they re competitive with candidates who are now battling over the affordable care act, immigration, and the minimum wage. so we sized up the field to bring you what we think are some of the most fascinating races and faces you will see vying for office this year. here to help me assess the map are malika henderson, national political reporter for the washington post, and chris cafinas from the washington post. happy new year. the cook political report analysis has these nine states with races considered kind of a toss-up or just leaning republican or democrat. i want to begin with a race that was in the headlines this week. ohio governor john kasich up for re-election, a rare
nia mia. how could i not ask you about her? that s right. but she lost last time but i think it was 768 votes in 2012. mm-hmm. she is a darling of the republican party, considered a rising star. what are her chances? her chances look good because jim mathison, who beat her by, you know, less than 800 votes last go-around, is not running. so she, it seems to me, has got a clear path to this seat. this would make her the first black woman republican in history ever in the history of ever. and so you imagine that she is on a path to be a real darling for a party that wants to show it s more inclusive, wants to show not only of african-americans but women. i think it will be really interesting to see the kind of race she runs there. and if she wins what kind of congress person she will be and whether or not she would join the congressional black caucus. indeed. chris, last one to you. i think this one s pretty fun.