ministers to draw up plans within weeks. ., ,., ., ,, weeks. you should always spend taxa ers weeks. you should always spend taxpayers money weeks. you should always spend taxpayers money as weeks. you should always spend taxpayers money as efficiently i weeks. you should always spend | taxpayers money as efficiently as possible taxpayers money as efficiently as possible. governments have no money of their possible. governments have no money of their own. possible. governments have no money of their own, it is only money taken from of their own, it is only money taken from hard working taxpayers who provide from hard working taxpayers who provide the funds that the state expense provide the funds that the state expense. but during an issue with the cost expense. but during an issue with the cost of expense. but during an issue with the cost of living, and with inflation, the cost of living, and with inflation, you need to have control of budgets inflation, you ne