Green June beetle in my vegetable garden.
After a hard, summer rain, I headed out to my garden early to pick vegetables. By midsummer it was a bit of a jungle; and I had charged well into the tangle of tomato plants before I heard and saw hundreds of huge, green June beetles swarming and buzzing all around me!
My first response was to duck-and-cover; but I quickly realized that to the June beetles, I was nothing more than a party pooper – getting in the way of their frantic eating, mating, and egg laying.
About Green June Beetles
There are several different beetles which are referred to as “June bugs;” but green June beetles are the giant, greenish, iridescent ones that are nearly an inch long. June beetles lay their eggs in rich, sandy soil; and the adults often emerge after a hard rain to feed on fruit. As I looked from my garden over the adjoining pasture; I could see thousands of beetles flying low over the grass, looking for mates and good places to lay next year’s e