The end of the Fiscal Year is upon us, which typically coincides with a flurry of procurement activity and then a wave of bid protests. As most of you know, there are three primary fora.
The need to strengthen supply chains is creating an opportunity for the revival of second sourcing, a method used until the 1990s to secure defense supply chains, write Olivia Letts and Jerry McGinn.
Government should take every responsible measure to eliminatefraud, waste, and abuse. Historically, when executed well andpursued vigorously, initiatives to target fraud, waste, and abusehave improved defense management and incurred savings, but notallowed the Pentagon to substantially reduce its defense costs.Washington must focus on ensuring adequate budgets to field arobust military.
ERIMAX, Inc., of Hyattsville, Maryland, protests the issuance of a task order to Seventh Sense Consulting, LLC, of Woodbridge, Virginia, under request.
Each month, Venable's Government Contracts Group publishes a summary of recent legal developments of interest to the government contractor community. Regulatory Updates.