In "Love in Contract" Choi Sang Eun, played by Park Min Young has a long-term client named Jung Ji Ho (Go Kyung Pyo) and will have a new client Kang Hae Jin, portrayed by Kim Jae Young.
#LoveInContract #ParkMinYoung #GoKyungPyo #KimJaeYoung
Go Kyung Pyo took the role of Jung Ji Ho in "Love in Contract" where he gets tangled up with the wife-for-hire service of Choi Sang Eun, played by Park Min Young.
#GoKyungPyo #ParkMinYoung #LoveInContract
tvN gives a glimpse of Park Min Young as a bride in her upcoming character in "Love in Contract," where her life revolves around marriage contracts.
#LoveinContract #ParkMinYoung #LoveinContractTeaser