Convention Center Board Vice Chairman Bill Bartleman said seven contractors showed up at a pre-bid meeting. The board anticipates at least four or five will submit bids.
Erie Canal: Town of Frankfort Section Site - Request for Contract Bids
Advertisement and Notice to Bidders
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Project Name: Erie Canal, Town of Frankfort Section
NYS Site Number: 622006
Sealed bids for the Erie Canal, Town of Frankfort Section project will be received by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Management and Budget Services, Bureau of Expenditures [625 Broadway, 10th Floor, Albany, New York, 12233-5027], until the time of
1:00 PM on the date of Tuesday, March 23, 2021. The bids will be opened and read aloud at the above time and date. Executive Order 202.11 allows the non-public opening of bids; provided, however, that, where practical, public entities shall record or live stream the bid opening so that the public has the opportunity to view such bid openings. Telegraphic or other electronically transferred bids will not be accepted.
abuse. reporter: no one from source america would go on camera. in a statement the group flatly denies the allegations. no one involved in making award recommendations, the statement reads, is employed by an organization seeking those contracts. and source america denies board members are even involved in the e val wags the evaluation of contract bids, left up to ability one commission whose executive director declined an on-camera interview with skrchlt nn and refused to respond to any specific questions citing pending lawsuits. cnn has learned those lawsuits may be just the beginning. at least four separate inspectors general offices now have active investigations into the dealings of ability one and source america. and the department of justice has opened its own investigation. andrew joins us. this is such an important investigation. it seems like it would be relatively easy to check. people either are disabled or not, right? that s right.
funneled to a very small group of ten large companies getting more than their fair share. reporter: they are saying the staffers who are handing outle from contracts at source america are heavily influenced by top officials at the very same agency. and those officials are often connected to the businesses that get the contracts. you have actual advisors and board members in these private organizations who are business owners so they can award themselves potentially contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars. a per sect setup for waste and abuse. no one from source america would go on camera. in a statement the group denies the allegations. no one involved in making award recommendations is involved by an organization seeking those contracts and source america denies board members are involved in the evaluation of contract bids.