Given the current energy crisis and pressing need for alternative energy solutions, patent disputes in the energy sector will undoubtedly increase. In one recent dispute in this space, the High Court invalidated one of Siemens Gamesa's patents in relation to offshore wind turbines. This article addresses claim construction, the relevance of the prosecution history and territorial limits to infringement, and the impact of this decision on future disputes in this space.
R. Venkat Prabhat - The legislation will apply to India s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which extends to 200 nautical miles from the coastline, and penalty for piracy includes the death sentence, , India Anti-Maritime Piracy Bill 2022, UNCLOS, death penalty, Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Safety of Maritime Navigation and Fixed Platforms on Continental Shelf Act (SUA Act) 2002
Swedish renewable energy developer OX2 has signed letters of intent with companies Kobb and Nordic Seafarm to investigate opportunities for large-scale cultivation of seaweed at its Galatea-Galene offshore wind farm in Sweden.