'They Don't Want Our Work To Continue': Activists in Uganda's Contentious Oil Region. The Charles Center and the Reves Center for International Studies present reporter, photojournalist, and Pulitzer Center grantee Sophie Neiman for a talk "'They Don't Want Our Work to Continue': Activists in Uganda's Contentious Oil Region" on February 6, 2023, at 4:00pm EST in the Reves Room. Neiman's lecture and visit to campus are funded by the Sharp Seminar, an initiative at the Charles Center established with a generous gift from Anne and Barry Sharp, that includes a close collaboration with the Pulitzer Center. The lecture is free and open to the public. An independent reporter and photojournalist covering politics, conflict, and human rights in east and central Africa, Neiman is based in Kampala, Uganda. Her recent Pulitzer Center-supported project, Charting Conflict and Corruption Uganda and the DRC, covers the devastating impacts