The Delhi High Court has initiated contempt action against an Indian woman living in Australia for using "derogatory" language against the judge, saying her remarks are patently contemptuous and show complete disregard to the dignity of the court.
Decisions rendered by courts are often not implemented by government for years together leading to contempt of court petitions piling up in court, Chief Justice of India (CJI) NV Ramana said on Saturday.
Updated Apr 17, 2021, 11:10 am IST
The High Court had issued directions on August 24, 2020, to the officer to release the vehicle loaded with jaggery but he did not do it
The court made it clear that it won`t be asking for a compliance report vis-à-vis his service of feeding the people, but would take serious action if it came to know that the officer did not do what he was asked to by way of the amended punishment. DC file photo
Hyderabad: Making it clear that the apologies of officers alone won’t prompt the court to let off guilty officers in contempt of court matters, the Telangana High Court ordered a modified form of punishment to another officer on Friday.