kind of gives momentum to the kind of groups that we are seeing in contemporary african literature. in terms of the way that african literature has changed over the years, how would you say it has evolved and developed ? i mean, one quick way to measure how things have changed is to observe what i think of as a speculative term in african literature, is that we are moving away from the 60s, the 70s, the decades in which realism was kind of privileged and revered as the language orthe grammar of decolonisation and we are moving into a time when science fiction, speculative fiction in all forms is beginning to be popular and i think certainly by readers all over the world, so there is a sense of generally accepting
South Africans, who went into exile during apartheid, made important contributions to what became known as the decade of decolonisation, writes Christopher Ouma.
As Thornwillow Press Publishes the First-Ever Fine Press Edition of a Toni Morrison Novel, Publisher Luke Pontifell examines why Toni Morrison is more relevant than ever.
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Thornwillow Launches a Kickstarter Campaign for Song of Solomon!
Thornwillow Press to publish the first-ever fine press edition of a Toni Morrison novel!
There is, perhaps, no greater figure in recent American literature than Toni Morrison. A once-in-a-generation talent, known for both her unflinching look at race in the United States and her luminescent prose, Morrison received the Pulitzer Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Nobel Prize in Literature.