The Countryside Stewardship (CS) Capital Grants brings the Water Quality and Hedgerows and Boundaries grants together and expands the number of capital items available.
how Capital Grants expands on and replaces the Hedgerows and Boundaries grant
the full list of capital items available covering boundaries, trees and orchards, water quality and air quality
which items require approval from a Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer (CSFO)
the payments you could receive
scheme requirements including record keeping and site visits
agreement management - such as making claims.
the rules for each option and supplement
how to carry out each option and supplement successfully
How the Offers benefit the environment
They support wildlife by creating:
sources of nectar and pollen for insect pollinators
winter food for seed-eating birds
improved habitats, especially for farmland birds and pollinators
How the Offers work
Each Offer has a set of options and minimum requirements. You need to meet these requirements to be eligible for funding.
Each option has a specific wildlife benefit and its own payment rate.
You’ll get a 5 year agreement with annual payments if you submit a valid application.