Looking to hire student employees for the 2021-22 academic year? Did you know students regularly search for campus jobs on Handshake? Handshake is WSU’s campus-wide, no-cost, easy-to-use job posting board where you can describe your open positions. You are invited to a presentation on Handshake where you will learn how to set up an account, post jobs, review applicants, and arrange interviews all in one place. Come to this hands-on training and leave with your department’s account set up and ready to go. Hosted by the Academic Success and Career Center (ASCC). Day and time: June 16 (Wed.), 10-11 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72797744344?pwd=RXZRRTNJMXFzZ1ZMTTlrUGZBTWZlUT09 . » More .