husband s income, especially in these economic times. you use up all the time, you probably just don t realize it. reporter: so what does bazaar voice do? brett hurd started the company and it rubs those consumer product review sections you see on company websites when you want to buy a tv, a camera, a car. and you ve got to make sure that that conversation doesn t have anything racist or profane or some kind of religious statement. reporter: so you re not editing it for content. people can say whatever they want about the product as long as it s legal and right. right. like any community, you want to have some standards. reporter: this is big business. and under five years, bazaar voice has picked up almost 800 clients, suites of offices with gongs and game rooms, all in the middle of a global recession. so in this office we have about 250. as i mentioned, we have quite a few that work at home. brett s simple philosophy,