the government t spends every year is codified as mandatory, n meaning there s no review no process, no checks and balancecs ,just a blank check and no the e balancing the checkbook. we live in a society wherend obc laziness and obesity can qualify you for a disabilityfora check from the government paid for by us working americans . u sin fact, nearly two thirds of the money spent by our government last year went to social welfare programs, according to democrats , likeof f congresswoman sheila mccormick of florida, to even mention challenging these programs is to be heartless and void of empathy.void of empathy empathy. when someone chooses but when someone chooses getting high over being a father to his children, what pity is he owed ? when a woman uses a chronic sprained ankle to stay on social security disability, d she an invalid or using discomfort to scam the system? m or when the son of a vice president spends his time and money on and blow, is he an addict in need? o
and everybody wonders, why does a consumer keep spending? because consumer spending hasd s sort of kept up. o the answer is we re atdebt peo record levels ofpl credit card t debt. hithey people are borrowing to pay for the things they can ct forward so, again, when you talk about this economy is delivering fore the lower middle class, it s not delivering. it s requiring theering it sm tt their livelihoods on plastic in order to get by . we ve got to flip that around. we had an economy prior to thes pandemic where wages really were goinge going for people at the bottom and they weren t having to run up record credit a card debt because they could earn a living. wou mentioned work earlier on your show, the dignity of work, but alsolity of wothe sustainability of work asa way to build a family. that s what we re missing right ig now. ht nowso we talk about working g making more money. inflation s going up. you have flation s credit card debt. all right. les that probably makes your credi