Particularly the due homage, we think of for our continuing use of the Natural Resources of the ancestral homeland. And we thank you all for tuning and whether on crowd cast or Youtube Channel or a facebook page. In these awfully strange times were thrilled to present and Live Streaming of a digital stage for town hall communities societal light. Folks well beyond seattle were finding, everyone is willing to stare or talking to the computers, some for the first time, i want to thank rich for helping us keep the conversation here at town hall. To view the closed caption version please watch from a youtube page. Ritual speaker to enter 20 minutes and after that ill come back to pose your questions to ask a question field at the Bottom Center of your screen and crowd cast. You can also go to which questions are speakers entered first by clicking the arrow next to the question to upload. We cannot guarantee that rich will be able to address every question but will try to get as many as pos
Its my happy duty to introduce and moderate the second panel. Let me just begin by introducing myself briefly. Im bill galston. Delighted to be a small cog in in the Service Alliance machine that produced this meeting. I want to thank two people in particular. Belle sawhill for conceiving of this day and working tirelessly over a period of at least six months to bring it about. And also our president john allen for lending his vast experience and immense moral authority to our enterprise this morning. And i think its a sign that brookings is spiritually aligned with the National Service movement. Let me introduce the question this way. If National Service is the answer, whats the question . And we have heard and i think will hear three very different kinds of answers to that question. Its useful to keep them separate. The first has to do with service as an avenue of personal growth, the expansion and the deepening of character. The second has to do with actual good done for others, ser
The people in and around houston who again find themselves dealing with serious damages due to flooding. May they and those many First Responders be safe as they begin the recovery of their community. May all that is done be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house her pproval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. Madam speaker. The speaker for what purpose does the gentleman from oregon seek recognition . Mr. Blumenauer pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, i demand a vote on the speakers approval of the journal. The speaker the question is on the approval of the speakers approval of the journal. Those in favor please say aye. Opposed, no. The ayes have it. The journal stands approved. Mr. Blumenauer madam speaker. The speaker for what purpose does the gentleman from oregon further seek recognition . Mr. Blumenauer i object to the vote on the grounds that a q
Views about racism in america. Im an africanamerican man myself. And i hear mr. Woodson advocate that communities were able to rise up and they were able to build were going to leave this program and take you live to President Biden talking about mm the president good to see you all. [indiscernible] you for sharingr family story with so many of us. Your grandfather served our nation in uniform and started a Family Business only to see it demolished in a community disconnected because of a new highway. And he never gave up, neither have you nor have the people of this community. I want to thank you. Governor, my good friend, thank you, governor, youre the best. I want tth partnership across the board to getting us through covid and rebuilding the economy and so much more. The same goes for great senator Tammy Baldwin and your incredible congressman gwen moore. Her son here . All rig she represents her hometown with such incredible integrity and tenacity. Mayor most impressive young mayo
California, california, independentt line. Caller hi. My name is judy and am actually a republican but i but i t through on that line. Host let me stop you there only because we ask our folks to call in on the right like to make sure that everybody gets a chance to do so. Our next call, some of your plea comes from your district in georgia. Democrats line, go ahead. Caller mr. Carter, you supported mccarthy. Mccarthy had no respect for nobody because he didnt keep his word the use and has been in a recess. We now return to live gavel to gavel coverage. Vote the clerk ms. Baldwin. Mr. Barrasso. Mr. Bennet. Mrs. Blackburn. Mr. Blumenthal. Mr. Booker. Mr. Boozman. Mr. Braun. Mrs. Britt. Mr. Brown. Mr. Budd. Ms. Butler. Ms. Cantwell. Mrs. Capito. Mr. Cardin. Mr. Carper. Mr. Casey. Mr. Cassidy. Ms. Collins. Mr. Coons. Mr. Cornyn. Ms. Cortez masto. Mr. Cotton. Mr. Cramer. Mr. Crapo. Mr. Cruz. Mr. Daines. Ms. Duckworth. Mr. Durbin. Ms. Ernst. Mr. Fetterman. Mrs. Fischer. Mrs. Gillibrand. Mr.