On the barrons round table, ben leveson, jack howe. Ben, we saw stunningly horrible economic numbers last week, really unbelievable, but the market actually was higher on the week. What is happening . Yeah. I mean, this data was just terrible. Retail sale, industrial production, empire state manufacturing, you name it, it was probably the worst ever on record. Unemployment, the jobless claims continued to rise another 5 Million People lost their jobs. I mean, its just bad. But we knew it was going to be bad, and theres also two rays of hope out there. One was a new set of treatments that gilead is working on for covid actually might be work. We dont have all the data on it yet, but that provided a boost for stocks x. Then theres talk of reopening the economy, and thats also helped too because it signals perhaps there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Jg jon so, jack howe, i know youre looking at valuations, and as ben pointed out, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but still
15,000. Take a look at the kospi. We are focused on samsung earnings. Samsung warning of a profit slide as this virus squeezes the tech industry. Samsung shares largely after the results came out unchanged. We are watching out for the singapore jobless numbers coming out this hour. 2. 6 , an 11 year high. We see this recovery momentum coming back in offshore chinese stocks. The moving average yesterday when things close, and we are higher here today. Bank of china among them. Dollaryen, a little strength. And some strength for the korean won. Oil remains the story, but take a look at volatility. When it comes to oil contracts, we are leapfrogging of june to july and seeing wild gyrations. We have bounced back after wti auched 10, but we lost quarter of the value when it comes to crude. It looks like volatility will continue. Into julywill roll with the spread of the june and july contracts especially for wti getting rocked by volatility. Tom we will get more on that story in a few minu
Particularly the due homage, we think of for our continuing use of the Natural Resources of the ancestral homeland. And we thank you all for tuning and whether on crowd cast or Youtube Channel or a facebook page. In these awfully strange times were thrilled to present and Live Streaming of a digital stage for town hall communities societal light. Folks well beyond seattle were finding, everyone is willing to stare or talking to the computers, some for the first time, i want to thank rich for helping us keep the conversation here at town hall. To view the closed caption version please watch from a youtube page. Ritual speaker to enter 20 minutes and after that ill come back to pose your questions to ask a question field at the Bottom Center of your screen and crowd cast. You can also go to which questions are speakers entered first by clicking the arrow next to the question to upload. We cannot guarantee that rich will be able to address every question but will try to get as many as pos
Leveson, jack howe. Ben, we saw stunningly horrible economic numbers last week, really unbelievable, but the market actually was higher on the week. What is happening . Yeah. I mean, this data was just terrible. Retail sale, industrial production, empire state manufacturing, you name it, it was probably the worst ever on record. Unemployment, the jobless claims continued to rise another 5 Million People lost their jobs. I mean, its just bad. But we knew it was going to be bad, and theres also two rays of hope out there. One was a new set of treatments that gilead is working on for covid actually might be work. We dont have all the data on it yet, but that provided a boost for stocks x. Then theres talk of reopening the economy, and thats also helped too because it signals perhaps there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Jg jon so, jack howe, i know youre looking at valuations, and as ben pointed out, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but still stocks look a Little Pricey give
Taking a real beating. For the fourth week in a row, firsttime jobless claims were in the multimillions taking the total number to 22 million. Retail sales plunged 8. 7 in march, the worst ever in history of data. And the Federal Reserve reported Economic Activity has fallen sharply during the crisis. Mindful of the damage to the economy, President Trump announced on thursday guidelines to begin reopening the country soon, leaving the actual Decision Making to state governors. Meanwhile, the country is being subjected to what is essentially a rather pointless daily battle between the media and mr. Trump plaided out during his coronavirus briefings. Reporters seem to think that their main job is to apportion blame, and they spend endless hours accusing President Trump of failing to do enough to address the virus. And, of course, President Trump being President Trump, he accuses them of fake news, and he hurls himself back at them. A good example came monday in this exchange with paula r