Developed by Westbank, and designed by Tokyo-based OSO and Vancouver-based Merrick Architecture, the tower’s form is inspired by the shape of a Japanese lantern, composed of a system of four-storey cubes stacked around a central concrete core.
Construction progress of Deloitte Summit at 400 West Georgia Street, as of January 15, 2021. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)
Construction progress of Deloitte Summit at 400 West Georgia Street, as of January 15, 2021. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)
The building’s exterior will be clad with glass and greenery. A significant outdoor amenity space with ample landscaping is also planned for the rooftop.
The pace of construction has been relatively quick as the building uses steel for its structure instead of concrete. Over 5,000 metric tonnes of steel was raised and fixed into place for the tower.