Of congressman john lewis and access to voting during the coronavirus pandemic. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the National Constitution center, and to todays version of americas town hall. I am jeffrey rosen, the president of this wonderful institution. As folks who have joined us before know, we begin our programs by reciting together the National Constitution centers Inspiring Mission so we can prepare ourselves for the learning ahead, so here we go. Recite virtually after me. The National Constitution center is the only institution in america chartered by congress to increase awareness and understanding of the u. S. Constitution among the American People on a nonpartisan basis. Beautiful. That is a wonderful recitation, and before we begin, i want to provide a quick plug for our next town hall on august 4. Please join us for the 2020 annual Supreme Court review in partnership with the antidefamation league, and it will feature the distinguished. Egal scholars it will be a wonderf
The National Constitution Center Hosted a discussion with legal scholars on the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. Guaranteeing women the right to vote. It was moderated by jeffrey rosen, president of the ncc. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the National Constitution center. And to todays version of americas town hall. I am jeffrey rosen, the president of this wonderful institution. And as folks who have joined us before know, we begin our programs by reciting together the National Constitution centers inspiring mission. So we can prepare ourselves for the learning ahead. Here we go. Recite virtually after me. The National Constitution center is the only institution in america chartered by congress to increase awareness and understanding of the u. S. Constitution among the American People on a nonpartisan basis. Beautiful. That is a wonderful recitation, and before we begin, i want to provide a quick plug for our next town hall on august 4th, please join us for the 2020 annual S
Told me january, 2017, i would write a book on donald trump, i would have questioned their sanity. Indeed, a few months in, he wrote an oped in the New York Times entitled executive power run amok. However, upon reflection, he writes boy was i wrong, the campaign, like a populist but governs like a conservative. There are others like harvard law professor who said gays into the trump presidency, i would say that he is crashing through it. The president s detractors have not changed their mind or their rhetoric instead. Like yesterday on cnn representative clyburn compared donald trump to mussolini, puzzled constitutional scholars, but in terms of his actions, not his rhetoric had the president respected the constitution or trampled on it. We are very fortunate today to have with us analysts including john yoo to discuss the constitution has fared during the Trump Administration. They will give brief remarks followed by moderating and then there will be plenty of time for questions from
Congress and that early period in the development of our country. We have been fortunate to have chuck as part of the uscs society team for five years, prior to that he was 27 years working on the First Congress program. And so he has put together a very imaginative presentation using primary sources, letters of the times, where people wrote to one another about the science, the food, the culture, and the back and forth that made early days in washington. That being said, we invite you to stay with us for your questions and answers. Chuck will do his presentation, and i will work through the questions and we have a couple of questions, we may be able to do a couple of questions during the presentation but the majority of our questions will be at the conclusion of the presentation. So please put your questions in and ill try to work them through both at the end and as we move forward. Thank you very much, chuck, for the work youve done to put this together and welcome to the platform. W
Now it is a great honor to introduce our guests. What an amazing panel. Americas most distinguished historians and scholars of congress to help us understand our current vexations. Edward ayres is president emeritus at the university of richmond. He is the author of many books on the civil war and reconstruction, including, i will highlight one of his many Award Winning books the thin light of freedom the civil war and emancipation in the part of america, which he discussed at the National Constitution center in 2017. His forthwomaning do ining book southern journey. Welcome, it is an honor to have you. My pleasure, thank you. And Joanne Freeman is 1954 graduate of Yale University and is a professor of American History and american studies at Yale University, where she specializes in the politics and political culture of the revolutionary and Early National period. She is a cohost with edward ayres of a Popular History podcast back story. She is the author of many books as well includi