granted in the constitution adapt to changing circumstances. consequently, our constitution has with stoodthe test of time. the genous of our founders was to establish a constitution firm enough to enshrine freedom and the rule of law as guiding principles, yet flexible enough to sustain a young nation that was destined to grow into the greatest, the richest, most powerful nation on earth. and i might say, one of the most diverse nations on earth. it took more than four score years and a civil war to claim the lives of hundreds of thousands to end the enslavement of african-americans. including citizens, all persons, born and naturalized in the united states. to the civil war amendments that followed, we transformed the constitution into one that more fully embraced equal rights and human dignity. the country and our democracy were stronger for it.
practice and briefly for senator biden on this committee. she taught law to the nation s most respected law schools. she counseled president clinton on a wide variety of issues. she served as dean of harvard law school and now as solicitor general of the united states sometimes referred to as the tenth justice. i believe we re a better country for the path of excellence elena kagan has taken in her career. it s a path now open to both men and women. as chief justice marshall wrote, our constitution s intended to endure for ages, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs. he and other great justices have recognized that the broadly-worded guarantees and powers granted in the constitution adapt to changing circumstances. consequently, our constitution has withstood the test of time. the genius of our founders was
marshall in the audience today. she worked in private practice. she taught law to the nation s most respected law schools. she counselled president clinton on a wide variety of issues. she served as dean of harvard law school and serves as solicitor general of the united states sometimes referred to as the tenth justice. i think we are a better country because of the path elena kagan has taken in her career a path now open to men and women. chief justice particular shall wrote our constitution is intended to endure for ages and consequently to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs. he and other great justices have recognized that the widely worded guarantees and powers in the constitution adapt to changing circumstances. consequently our constitution has withstood the test of time. the genius of our founders was