and it s pouring here in los angeles, so i m not sure you can see, but we re a few hours out, and there s already people who have come out here to express their displeasure for dr. murray. there s also some conspiracy theorists out here. we saw some of these same types of people near lax during the last hearing, and it got rather chaotic down there. at one point there was a significant amount of security needed to keep a lot of these people away from dr. murray, many of them calling him a killer or worse names, jane. jane: adam, one last question for you, some members of the jackson family are expected to be there, what s the latest with the estate? reporter: yeah, the estate s still controversial as well. jackson s father still has some concerns about it, but what s interesting about the estate is they ve just signed a $200 million deal with sony that would potentially mean a new album this fall with unreleased jackson material to come out, also possibly a re-release of a few albums
$50 million a pop. jane: that would be surprising, i think, to a lot of people, we re now paying for seats on russian spacecraft. yeah. this is the beginning of the outsourcing of the american space program. the hope is what s coming next is building a new private american space industry that will take the place. jane: so you re talking about commercial rockets taking the place of government-funded? absolutely. that s the hope, but we re not there yet right now. i mean, we re in a weird kind of transition because it s sort of a strange planning gap, you know? nasa planned to shut down the space shuttle before they had the next thing ready, and then the obama administration just shut down what was going to replace it, the so-called constellation program. jane: right. we re expecting to hear on the 15th of april about the president s vision for the country, what do you expect to hear? well, a lot of the details have leaked out. the concept is, basically, the obama administration s
built. the obama administration has picked up that same to retire the space shuttle. a lot of people argue they have three great space shuttling and keep flying nemle approximate we have a robert na nasa can play. it has their own spacecraft to put in orbit and building the constellation. in the proposal, he s canceling the constellation program. even though he s increased the budget of nasa, there will be less people working witness nasa and contractors, alex. there s no roblt to ride on. they have to ride at 54 doll dmoil a seat eye a space crash. i go see myself. they hope he will bring some good news and exexattend the the program once or either continue the building of the rocket so that nasa will have its own rocket. we have to see what the
our capacity, even for a short period of time, of getting people up. but that $6 billion says, we want to make things move forward. so i think that s a discussion not about, you know, people interpret the cancellation of a constellation program as we re not involved in space explo explorati exploration. that s not either shape or form. that s a program where i m not so sure it was good to harken back to the glory days of apollo. we have more stuff in front of us. of that s what we have. when we have women and underrepresented minorities, this it diversity of people involved with solutions to technical with science problems, then we re going to come up with better solutions, not only about how to get us into space, but, you know, about drugs, medicine, all of those kinds of issues. we certainly hope there s not too much of a drop-off, because we all enjoy seeing that space exploration and those lift-offs. you need to enjoy not just the lift-off, but what comes of the work and the re
as president obama prepares to hold a space conference, he faces backlash for his decision to end nasa s constellation program. a member of the commission which studied the issue joins us from houston. good to have you. thanks for joining us. were you surprised? i think a lot of people were surprised when the obama administration came out and said the constellation program to go back to the moon and then on to mars, that was the first step toward mars is dead, it s over, it s carrie kaput. were you surprised to hear that? i was surprised what the entire program was canceled. i expected elements to be changed. after looking at it a bit, you look at the space station freedom program and that was stopped. although the constellation was canceled, i expected certain