he s got the most enthusiasm. but, i don t know that you can translate that into a victory. because remember, the caucuses are january 3rd. a lot of the college students will be on their christmas break. so, he definitely has a following out he. and i could tellou, there are a lot of young people that are really disappointed with obama. he promised to be somebody that would bring america together, and his campaign is just the opposite. tear people apart, att and his campaign is just the opposite. tear people apart, attack people. we need a leader that s going to bring people together. ron paul s been a consistent conservative. you are to give him credit. i have concerns about his foreign policy. chuck todd i won t play the sound bite. but senator lindsey graham, if the election were held tomorrow, newt gingrich would win in south carolina. here s why a majority of south carolina republican voters believe newt gingrich is a conservative. a majority believe mitt romney