americans, asian-americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, the best employment situation since 1969, you weren t born yet, i can tell you every met on the world series winning team. does this change the dynamic, will the people that have benefitted, with these records, they re real people, real jobs, better lives. will they now go over to president trump saying he worked, he s getting the job done? i think they will, i think we will win with women in a bigger way, african-american voters, hispanic voters. i think more people overall are going to come out to vote for donald trump in 2020. sean: does the rage hurt them, the constant every second, minute, hour, hating trump? it has to hurt them. people are sick of this. this is not america, we don t like this stuff here. they re continuing to stoke this, and it s sean: what you and your family have been through, ivanka, melania, baron, well eric can take it, don can take it. they deserve it. but they the attacks aga