the proud boys and the oath keepers. we re gonna go more on that point later on in the show. but we also learned a lot more about what was happening in the white house, in the lead up to the insurrection. testimony from donald trump s lawyers, his attorney general, his son-in-law, and his daughter. also just saying that trump knew what he was doing, and he knew it was wrong. for example, trump knew that he had lost the election to joe biden. how do we know that? because his own top data analyst came into the oval office and told him specifically. according to his campaign insider, jason miller. i was in the oval office. and at some point in the conversation, the league that a person was brought on. and, i remember, he delivered to the president in pretty blunt terms that he was going to lose. but trump, reportedly, argue that his legal challenges over election fraud would change the result. the only problem? there was no such thing as election fraud and the white house kn
a small audience at the january six hearing on capitol hill with what ended up being a 12 minute snooze fest that was very heavy on rhetoric. the president of the united states trying to stop the transfer of power, a precedent that had stood for 220 years even as our democracy had faced its most difficult test. oh , i get it. so now bennie thompson cares about the transfer of power and making sure it works okay. remember, he s the same benneton who voted against certifying george w. bush s election win. and by the way, i m not even talking about the 2000 recount . we re talking about 2004 and the blowhard of the evening award goes to liz cheney. now if you saw her interview were rough to watch a little soporific when it was off the cuff. try watching her for 34 uninterrupted minutes of screen reading our oath to defend the united states constitution and that must mean something. tonight i say this to my republican colleagues who are defending me indefensible. there will c
we ll see a lot about the priorities of a ruling class that the rest of us are getting it and other lecture about january six tonight, from our moral inferiors, no less. an outbreak of mob violence, a forgetfully minor outbreak by recent standards, that took place more than a year and a half ago. but they never stop talking about it. the constant drumbeat of demonization and destruction. it is neither entertaining or edifying. it is just bad programming. in fact, they thought that these historic hearings were such bad programming that when the hearing was being played live, it was shown without sound. why not let the audience hear it for themselves? if it is all a big sham, a big televised charade, as they framed, it why not let people listen in and see for themselves instead of relegate-ing it to sister channel fox business? i wonder, instead, if you were tuned in, you heard from people
they underdelivered and they missed the big story, which i the incredible failure in terms of security that you were begging to give give to them and they didn t take wheno they had the opportunity to. thank you , john .t thank you . that se all the time we havess left. thank you for making this show possible. let not n your heart troubles. news continues. laura s next and the englishman will have a great night. i m laura ingram . this is ingram angle from new york city. thanks for joining us . democrats and liberals, they ve been slapping in prime time television for years. it s always the same, right? it s misleading information, vicious innuendo, attempts to connect the dots that never quite pay off the drumbeat, constant drumbeat of demonization and distraction. it s either entertaining or edifying. it s just bad programing. now tonight began with chair bennie thompson captivating