Tue, 2021-06-22
Chief Inspector Robert Cardwell (Officer in Charge, Tactical Support Division) – “Despite an ongoing focus on traffic offences by the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) which saw more than 70 tickets issued over the National Heroes’ Day holiday weekend, a total of 16 collisions occurred during the same timeframe, ranging in severity from relatively minor to potentially life threatening. All 16 are under active investigation. It would appear that inattention and driving without due care were factors in most of these incidents.
To emphasise the continued efforts of the BPS, from Friday, 18th June through Monday, 21st June at least 77 tickets were issued for traffic offences, along with 24 motorist advice notices (official warnings). Of note, the Roads Policing Unit (RPU) handed out 57 speeding tickets during the period – as well as tickets for no driver’s licence, driving while disqualified and driving without due care. Road sobriety checkpoints were also in effe