A truck driver was on a cocktail of drugs and alcohol days before a fatal crash
Mohinder Singh has pleaded guilty to culpable driving at a Melbourne court
The 48-year-old was behind the wheel when he hit and killed four police officers
A court heard driver was psychotic when he got behind the wheel that day
His barrister, Peter Morrissey, SC, claimed Singh deserved sympathy from court
Singh believed he had be cursed by Glenys at time of the tragic crash last year
Lawyers for Mohinder Singh argue the truck driver faced ‘sustained pressure’ from his boss to work on the day he crashed and killed four police officers.
A truck driver was on a cocktail of drugs and alcohol days before a fatal crash
Mohinder Singh has pleaded guilty to culpable driving at a Melbourne court
The 48-year-old was behind the wheel when he hit and killed four police officers
The officers were struck by Singh s semi-trailer while impounding a Porsche
A court heard the driver was drug-f ed and hadn t slept for days before crash
Richard Pusey has pleaded guilty on Monday to a series of charges in plea deal
He was pulled over for allegedly driving at 149km/h with drugs in his system
Four officers were hit by a truck while on the roadside with the mortgage broker
Pusey was hit with with unprecedented charge of outraging public decency
Pusey has been languishing in jail while arguments over a charge have endured
02:13 EDT, 9 March 2021
The Porsche driver accused of filming a dying policewoman after a horrific crash killed four officers has been told to behave for his wife despite being behind bars.
Richard Pusey, 42, has been charged with assault and unlawful imprisonment after he allegedly put a noose around his wife s neck days after Christmas last year.
He faces eight charges over the shocking incident when he allegedly unlawfully imprisoned and threatened to kill her at their Fitzroy home, just outside of Melbourne s CBD.
Richard Pusey stands atop of a roof in December last year amid allegations he put a rope around the neck of his wife