plus, the shocking end to an equally shocking case in saudi arabia. a woman beheaded for witchcraft. i m wolf blitzer, you re in the situation room. just 24 hours ago, the mud was flying between newt gingrich and mitt romney as they campaigned in the first primary state of new hampshire. now gingrich is vowing to run a clean campaign and refrain from initiating the kind of attacks that have come to characterize the modern race for the white house. some question, though, whether newt gingrich means it, whether he can live up to that commitment. joe johns is working the story for us. what are you finding out? well, wolf, the last few days have certainly been ugly, but now both candidates are saying they re going to do what a lot of voters have said they want and that is have a campaign that is free of negativism. of course, newt gingrich, the former speaker of the house running for president has gone as far to put his words actually in writing. though a lot of people out th
daniels talked about this idea of, hey, let s call a truce on social issues for four years while we focus on the economy for the next presidential election. we asked that of republican primary voters are you more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate who focus more on economy than social issues. 65% said more likely. 8% said less likely. pen penny, what do you take of this? i know about iowa conservative caucus goers, that s a different campaign. does that surprise you? not really considering the economy is in the tank and jobs are so difficult right now. but i would refer to a different poll, could someone for america conducted a poll with the polling company on election day of actual voters. and asked them, what did you vote on, what issues brought you to the poll. 75% said the economy, as we would expect. 63% said moral values. and that number was even higher among women. so, you know, i think people make decisions about candidates