trend with homicides going down over the last several decades. it was a terrible year. i don t think that it defines where we are going in direction in chicago. and i certainly don t think it defines the spirit of the people here in chicago and cook county on how we are going to defeat these issues. and what is the status of the consent degree? loretta lynch before the inauguration, before she left office announced in chicago they were taking over the police department. is that something that now has to be negotiated? and what do you foresee give the fact there is a new attorney general? the consent decree hasn t been finalized. there was an agreement worked out between the city of chicago police department and the u.s. department of justice back in january that they would work on the actual consent decree. it is our hope that the department of justice continues to work with the city of chicago to hammer out that consent decree. alternatively, if her not able
they have an agreement to purr a consent degree. you may see things like requirements that the officers receive additional training. we heard them talk about de-escalation training. that s to teach officers how to take a crisis situation and tone it back so that maybe we don t get in a situation where they have a shooting. you may have them filling out reports about contacts so they don t make contacts on the street without noting this is the reason or suspicion i have. there will be some recordkeeping things you ll see. you ll see things like additional training. probably one of the most important things that comes typically is requirement for funding so that the police departments have the money to implement the training. let s talk about. that we are a step shy of the consent degree. this is an agreement in principle to reach that executable consent decree. i read a piece in the chicago sun times this questions if this
that s a huge problem for the republican party. the republican national committee is under a consent decree that severely limits its election day activities because of some actions back in the 80s. if they prosecute that the consent degree due to come off next year will not come off. the rnc is very eager to have that consent decree come off next year when it expires. this activity i can promise you will cause the democrats to go back into court to try to extend it. ding. that was republican lawyer ben ginsberg warning after the last debate that what the trump campaign and republicans were threatening in terms of this poll watching effort that trump keeps talking about out on the stump, he was saying that is a clear and present danger to the republican party because when they got in trouble for that with the court, they ended up signing a consent degree that
stump, he was saying that is a clear and present danger to the republican party because when they got in trouble for that with the court, they ended up signing a consent degree that prohibits them from doing any poll watching like this whatsoever because of their terrible history with is stuff. the republican national committee is banned from any election day poll watching stuff at all that in any way targets minority districts. they ve been banned, legally banned from doing that stuff since the 1980s. and it s really important to them that they follow what they are legally bound to follow here because that consent decree restricts what they re allowed to do and that is finally due to expire next year. the only way it won t expire is if the court finds the republicans are violating it, that they are doing racist poll watching again in defiance of the court in which case that consent decree won t expire next year, it will get extended for another, oh, eight years or so.
it. ding. that was republican lawyer ben ginsberg warning after the last debate that what the trump campaign and republicans were threatening in terms of this poll watching effort that trump keeps talking about out on the stump, he was saying that is a clear and present danger to the republican party because when they got in trouble for that with the court, they ended up signing a consent degree that prohibits them from doing any poll watching like this whatsoever because of their terrible history with this stuff. the republican national committee is banned from any election day poll watching stuff at all that in any way targets minority districts. they ve been banned, legally banned from doing that stuff since the 1980s. and it s really important to them that they follow what they are legally bound to follow here because that consent decree restricts what they re allowed to do and that is finally due to expire next year. the only way it won t expire is