Vote the presiding officer are there any senators wishing to vote or change their vote . On this the vote the yeas are 53, the nays are 40. The nomination is agreed to and confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table and the president will be immediately notified of the senates actions. The clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. The clerk cloture motion, we, the undersigned senators, in accordance with the provisions of rule 22, do hereby bring to a close debate on the nomination of Lawrence Vandyke, of nevada, to be United States circuit judge for the ninth circuit. The presiding officer by unanimous consent, the mandatory quorum call has been waived. The question is, is it the sense of the senate that debate on the nomination of Lawrence Vandyke, of nevada, to be United States circuit judge for the ninth circuit shall be brought to a close . The yeas and nays are mandatory under the rule. The clerk will call the rol
Participate in the questions and there is a formal way i would ask unanimous consent and on Committee Member be allowed to participate in the hearing after the subCommittee Memberofthe sun opportunity to ask questions. Is there any objection . There being none, if none, you are recognized at the appropriate time for five minutes of questions. With that, but the committee will come to order. Ladies and gentlemen, i called the committee to order from the Armed Services committee. Since february of this year the committee has been conducting extensive oversight of the program. We first heard about the systemic failures and privatized military Family Housing program from a panel of courageous military spouses who provided graphic and disturbing testimony about lead, mold, exposure, infestations, rude and dismissive House Management and ineffective oversight of the program by the services. Then we heard from the assistant secretaries on their efforts to address the failures of oversight tha
The presiding officer have all senators voted . Any senator wish to change their vote. The yeas are 72. The nays are 22. The motion is agreed to. The clerk will report the motion to invoke cloture. The clerk cloture motion, we the undersigned senators in accordance with the provisions of rule 22 of the standing rules of the senate do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the nomination of sherri a. Lydon of South Carolina to be United States district judge for the district of South Carolina signed by 17 senators. The presiding officer by unanimous consent, the mandatory quorum call has been waived. The question is, is it the sense of the senate that did bait on the nomination of sherri a. Lydon of South Carolina shall be brought debate on the nomination of sherri a. Lydon of South Carolina shall be brought to a close. The yeas and nays have been ordered. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote vote the presiding officer have all senators voted . Any senator wish to change their vot
Future. And the Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has told us that the houses proposal will not generate sustainability of Pension Plans or the sustainability of the pbgc. So we better not spend time on something the Congressional Budget Office just isnt going to bring a solution and definitely not a longterm solution. In contrast, the proposal that senator alexander and i are releasing today addresses the immediate needs of the few multiemployer plans facing immediate crisis in a manner that protects participant benefits and also ensures a sustainable multiemployer Pension System for the long haul. And it does this all in a fiscally responsible way. Our proposal is not a giveaway to corporations or to unions, and its a better deal for the taxpayers at the same time than a future that even with a larger problem and a pbgc funding needs that will almost surely be met with a taxpayer bailout. All participants in the system would make a sacrifice. Let me make that clear. All partici
Funds cost 7 billion every month, and thats just for the army. Mr. President , we have an opportunity to correct this or we have an opportunity to waste another 20 by a yearlong c. R. I am urging the American Public to make it known to those of us at veterans day programs this weekend and next week. Im urging my colleagues to stress this when they talk to the public. There are there are appropriation bills that are not yet worked out but for heavens sake, lets at least do the bill that pays the troops that sends a signal to the rest of the world in these trying times that we are at least going to fund our Defense Department and our future veterans who are on active duty and who have taken the oath today that we will do them in a modern and timely fashion. Were five weeks late. Lets dont make it another five weeks after this and another five months after that. Pass a fullfunding appropriation bill for our troops, for the department of defense, and give them the type of representation an