KUALA LUMPUR: The safety of schoolchildren once they leave the school grounds has been brought into question, with a group saying more should be done to ensure they get home safely.
KUALA LUMPUR: News of children returning home late or boarding the wrong school van, especially among pupils who have just entered school, often occur, despite not receiving extensive media coverage.
(Fargo, ND) Essentia Health-Fargo announced a new pilot program to help promote diversity, equity and inclusion in its workforce. Specifically, Essentia will hire a community health specialist from the New American community to lead this program intended to increase the number of Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) employees and improve retention. While this program
North Dakota Brain Injury Network Receives Grant to Study Brain Injury and Criminal Justice System
Devils Lake Journal
Grand Forks, N.D. – A new program geared toward helping survivors of brain injuries deal with the judicial system will soon begin. Titled “Positive Outcomes for Individuals with a History of Brain Injury and Involvement Within the Criminal Justice System Through Screening, Identification, and Assessment”, this program will allow the North Dakota Brain Injury Network (NDBIN) to develop a comprehensive implementation plan to improve outcomes for people with brain injury within the criminal justice system.
The project is funded with a $15,000 Community Innovation grant from Consensus Council and the Bush Foundation.