Conclusion: In this large PSM study, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.
April 13, 2021
You are here: Home / Policy / Health / The inclusion of Palliative Care in the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Brazil
The inclusion of Palliative Care in the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Brazil
(Credit: Unsplash)
This article was exclusively written for The European Sting by Ms. Jaquelini Fernanda Gomes dos Santos and Mr. Jhonatan Guilherme Fernandes,
two 3rd year in medical school, member of the local committee of IFMSA Brazil-Uningá. They are affiliated to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), cordial partner of The Sting. The opinions expressed in this piece belong strictly to the writers and do not necessarily reflect IFMSA’s view on the topic, nor The European Sting’s one.