Article: Conscious perceptions as the only reality: a plausible heuristic theory - An Essay Book review of Donald Hoffman s book: The Case Against Reality: How Evolution hid the truth from our eyes
Article: A theory with more questions than answers about the hard problem of Consciousness - A book review of Antonio Damasio s: book Feeling & Knowing, with the reviewer s comments.
Article: Basing GNP on Resource Extraction is Self-Cannibalism - Imagine how much wealthier and healthier we become by shifting from an economics of self-cannibalism to an economics of self-regeneration. No employers and employees, no slave-owners and slaves. No brands, franchises, absentee ownership, landlords, career-paths, retirement benefits, tax havens, hierarchies, corporate personhood, or non-local authorities. These are dust on the path of evolution to human consciousness.