Department participating in pilot program
A nationwide shortage of paramedics has led Quality EMS to come up with a practical solution that allows their emergency medical technicians the ability to ad.
This article is shared in its entirety as part of a conversation on addiction and pathways to recovery in our community. To read more from Changing Pathways to Recovery, a six-week series, ple.
MIDDLESEX TWP After two months of deliberation, supervisors voted Wednesday, Feb. 21 to contribute $30,000 to its emergency medical service provider, Quality EMS.
The motion also officially retains.
MIDDLESEX TWP The supervisors are still trying to work out how much money it will contribute to Quality EMS, the ambulance service which covers the township and several other municipalities in Butle.
As 2024 begins, one of the major issues hovering over the small municipalities of Pennsylvania is how they will handle the emergency medical services crisis.
In Forward Township, a three-member task f.