Coindividual advisor that the federal government should enforce a nationwide u. S. Lock down, that u. S. Taxpayers pay for it, paying everybodys wages including u. S. Government workers. The white house covid19 task force is warn about this. The debate is lockdowns did throw 30 Million People out of work. The debate tonight, is that really the fix . The pandemic is bad. Everyone understands that. The half the country according to gallup would be against another lockdown. They would not comply with it. Plus experts say, federal lockdown run by the u. S. Government is unconstitutional. This is likely why people are taking to the streets to protest lockdowns in dozens of countries around the world on five major continents. In every region of the globe from poor to rich. As more u. S. Politicians warn, dont you dare turn your thanks giving or Christmas Celebration into a superspreader event or well punish you big time. Dont you talk loudly or sing in bars. That is a warning from a democrat
Alphabetical order, the incumbent conor lamb in Congress Since 2018. And the challenger, republican Shaun Parnell refired army ranger running for the first time. Weve posted the rules of the debates online and we flipped a coin to determine who goes first for Opening Statements. Congressman lamb, you won the toss, you have two minutes. Thank you, and good evening. At town Hall Meetings and your front doors i had a chance to ask thousands of you about what you want to see in your representatives. People have told me how divided we are, tired of the chaos, tired of the shutdowns, tired of feeling like nothing gets done. People want members of congress to stop attacking each other, and start dealing with the real problems we face and thats exactly how ive done this job. 80 of the votes ive cost have been bipartisan, and wrote and cowrote three bipartisan bills signed into law. I know how to work with others to get things done and right now we need that approach more than ever. This pandem
For george w. Bush Steven Hadley now with the atlantic counsel. Well have opening remarks and then switch over to the executive vice chair. I would like to extend a few thanks to some of our partners here with us today, penny, michael margolis, thank you very much. Without further ado, ill turn it over to you. Well, thank you, julia, and my thanks, also to steve hadley for moderating the discussion. Congratulations to the Atlantic Council for the opening of the center for geoeconomics. After having looked at your goals, its an extremely timely undertaking. More broadly now more than ever, the Atlantic Councils mission of a strange transatlantic relationship. Covid19 has affected our way of life. As a look to the future, that the right values guide us in a postcovid world. Thats why the transatlantic relationship so important. It represents over 40 of the worlds gdp and nearly half of global personal consumption. But it is about much more than the economy. It is a community of values th
Tom jon, get out of the sand trap, or whatever he said last night. Just absolutely extraordinary. We have been talking about it all morning. I would think the worldwide audience must be. Just extraordinary. Can we also note there is a job economy coming up, and maybe the next debate they can talk about where this unemployment factor is maybe going . Jonathan and maybe the csuite is still very strategic about when they drop bad news. The Walt Disney Company talking about dropping 28,000 jobs a few hours before debate. Tom well said. Jonathan it is amazing for me to wake up this morning, to watch back at that debate and hear the former Vice President call a sitting president a racist, and it doesnt even register. It is not even a headline this morning. That speaks to where we are at currently in the political discourse in washington, d. C. Tom some of the discussions on the white super missy issue last night are beneath the fold because of the turmoil, the emotion, the rage and the rank
Wildfire year response and Recovery Efforts will come to order. Thank you for joining with the deputy chief for forestry at usda. After brief opening remarks, the hearing will open to questions. Members will be recognized in order of seniority, alternating between the majority and minority members. When you are recognized, youll be asked to unmute your microphone, and youll have five minutes to ask your question and or make a comment. In order to get as many questions as possible, the timer will stay consistently visible on your screen. Thank you for joining us here today in washington and online. For this critical hearing on the wildfires ravaging the western United States. We have all seen the footage from california, oregon and washington. It is surreal, and it is terrifying. I want to talk today about what we can do to meet the needs and face the challenges presented by this unprecedented wildfire season out west and elsewhere. Deputy chief phipps, thank you for joining us today an